Sunday, August 23, 2020
Organisational Changes And Developmenvt -
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview Youââ¬â¢ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps youââ¬â¢re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly youââ¬â¢re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. Youââ¬â¢ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space youââ¬â¢ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybodyââ¬â¢s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYouââ¬â¢ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, itââ¬â¢s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however itââ¬â¢s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Catcher In The Rye An Innocence free essay sample
The Catcher In The Rye: An Artlessness Lost Essay, Research Paper The Catcher in the Rye is a book by J. D. Salinger and the account of a male kid named Holden Caufield. He is not, at this point guiltless, yet presented to the universe. Phoebe, Holden # 8217 ; s sister, is the contrary she is fairly the unpracticed individual, neer genuinely being presented to the universe outside her defensive air pocket. Holden needs to ensure such valued simpleness only found in the children as a safeguard of the unpracticed individual a stopping board in the rye. The Catcher in the Rye is fundamentally a book about guilelessness. This book shows individuals of two unique gatherings, the unpracticed individual ( non spoiled by the universe ) and the experient ( both great and abhorrence ) , in their everyday life and work. These unpracticed people incorporate Sally Hayes and Phoebe. Sally gives a false representation of the universe is a huge gathering ( or a cultural point ) , everybody loves her, and that the cheerfulness will neer stop. We will compose a custom paper test on The Catcher In The Rye An Innocence or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Phoebe, Holden # 8217 ; s more youthful sister, is guiltless just non rather every piece naif as Sally. Obviously she is juvenile and guiltless, due to the lopsided things she likes perpetually adjusting her in the middle of name or paying for burping exercises, this she states towards the terminal of their discussion. One who is solidify by and to the universe would non take exercises in burping. P > A screen in the rye is a watchman or a protector of the unpracticed individual. The idea and the name are carefully representative. The criticalness is as the children are running intensive the rye they do non see the drops in front and the plumb bounce they will do. At the point when they make this # 8220 ; harvest time # 8221 ; they lose their kid like simpleness. This fall could be identified with an ethical situation like perhaps the city in the through and through. Where he/she would be presented to harlotry, intoxication, and perhaps sedates. Holden Caufield sees himself destroyed and corrupted by the universe. He has bombed out of school, beverages, and vapor. His mentality is it is exorbitantly late for me. Be that as it may, there is a light emission in his life ; he feels it is his obligation to rescue different children from the universe as a fence in the rye. He converses with individuals about his musings, individuals like Carl Luce. Carl just brushes it off. Holden genuinely accepts his naming in life is to rescue them from falling and turn them around. Holden appears destinded to be a cultural laborer or a talker who goes to schools. To the children he should non look a long way from the $ 5 internment talker in the start of the book. In any case, Catcher in the Rye is truly an unfortunate account of guilelessness lost and will remain disputable and astute for decennaries to come.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Example of a Research Paper
Example of a Research PaperAn Example of a Research Paper APA is an acronym for American Psychological Association. This is a professional association. They are interested in new methods of knowledge and understanding, practical application, and, of course, new ideas and approaches to human research. Like many professional associations, there are quite a few requirements to become a member and you need to be at least eighteen years old.The requirement of being over eighteen allows members to be hired by most companies. They also receive training on the society's standards of professional conduct. The APA is also concerned with ethical guidelines.The first step in writing an Example of a Research Paper APA is to gather information. This includes identifying the specific task at hand, whether it's for a self-study course or for a university or college student, and which specific area the student will cover. They should also research the area of study, because they will want to write a paper that is correct in its subject matter. You should discuss the research with the supervisor before you begin to write the research paper.The research should be thought out. It's a good idea to list down questions you want to ask to yourself. You may want to do some brainstorming first to see if there are any items in the field that you would like to include in your paper.Your research will be very subjective. You must be careful to not stray into biased categories of people or subject matter. This article is not intended to be about how to write an Example of a Research Paper APA.Example of a Research Paper APA is written using the APA style of writing. When writing APA style, there are seven different paragraphs to every research paper. When writing an Example of a Research Paper APA you are writing a typical research paper. Each paragraph is in a different section of the paper. You will usually find this referred to as the main body of the research paper.Once you have finishe d writing your Example of a Research Paper APA, you should sign your name and return it to the supervisor. Any questions that you may have after writing the research paper should be directed to the professor at the University. It is the responsibility of the students to make sure that their APA research papers are of a high quality. They should proofread the research and follow the suggestions given by the author. The professional society does not require it.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Stigma Of Being An American - 939 Words
There is a stigma of being an American. If an individual works day in and day out, that person will achieve their life goal. This is pursuing the American dream, because all citizens have equal opportunity to become successful and live a prosperous life. Now all Americans can have equal rights, so each and every one can strive for success equally. We banned slavery, segregation, and institutional racism. Women are viewed as equally under the law as men, and homosexuals can legally marry. Equality took a many hard fought years to cover everyone, but now everyone is content. Wrong! In the novel Rereading America many different cultural contexts explains that if you are born into poverty, was a women, or was of color, then life was not as equal as a wealthy white born male to become successful and have equally opportunities. In contrast much evidence demonstrates otherwise. On the contrary, many would argue that the American dream is still alive and accessible to anyone who works hard e nough for it. The optimistic would say that even women have the same equality as men relative to personal income. Actually womenââ¬â¢s income is significantly less than men. In the text, money and success, the author give the audience crucial information about the wage gap between males and females, ââ¬Å"American women earn only 78 cents to the dollar earned by white men in the same full-time jobs; African American women earn only 64 cents to the dollar, and Latinas only earn 56 centsâ⬠(Karoliszyn). TheShow MoreRelatedTreatment For Middle Aged African American Women With Bipolar Disorder849 Words à |à 4 PagesOlivia K. Gunter INT 430 Professor Heidbrink National-Louis University TOPIC: Treatment for middle-aged African-American women with bipolar disorder What is it? Bipolar disorder is a mental illness characterized by drastic mood swings ranging from immense euphoria to extreme depression. People with bipolar disorder are likely to experience a lack of energy, participation in normal social activities, and the ability to complete daily routines. This can cause interpersonal relationships and work-lifeRead MoreThe Stigma Associated With Schizophrenia1554 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Stigma Associated with Schizophrenia. Jason Branch Fayetteville Tech Community College Author Note This paper was prepared for English 112.02, taught by Mr. Charles King on April 2, 2015 Abstract Mental illness is an area that many people are uncomfortable with. There is something suspicious about people who tend to appear mentally ill. This creates nervousness, fear, while presenting the unknown; therefore, Stigma. Now Stigma is defined as disgrace or public disapproval, which can leadRead MoreStigma And Stigma Of Marijuana Essay1603 Words à |à 7 PagesThe stigma of marijuana started in the 1930s when it was first prohibited nationwide, but since then, the stigma has changed quite drastically to the point where the sigma could be completely eradicated in the near future. The stigma that was created from the prohibition of marijuana is something that still affects every American today. In a brief history of the stigma, it can be traced back to the 1930s where its prohibition would begin, by the 1960s, no one would do it in their right mind becauseRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Mental Health1050 Words à |à 5 Pages Mental health is a critical aspect of anyones well-be ing. However, struggling with a mental illness can negatively affect that. Mayo Clinic defines mental illness as a wide range of mental health conditions ââ¬â disorders that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. Struggles with mental health are a major obstacle for anyone to endure, no matter their racial identity. However, racial minorities tend face further struggles in their journey. Understanding the underlying factors that play into mentalRead MoreReparations Should Not Be Paid758 Words à |à 4 PagesReparations should not be paid, because they will be seen as a final payment. The general population would feel that reparations would be the ultimate closure, and that African-Americans are not owed further. Lawrie Balfour at the University of Virginia in 2005 stated that ââ¬Å"the closure afforded by reparations means that no more will be owed to Blacks than is owed to any citizen under the law. Given the depth of societal denial about the significance and effects of sl avery and the pervasiveness ofRead MoreThe Presentation of Self in Everyday Life by Erving Goffman1040 Words à |à 5 PagesAward (1961), the In Medias Res Award (1978), and was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Goffman has been noted as the most important American sociological theorist in the second half of the twentieth century. In 1963, Goffman published Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity to illustrate the lives of stigmatized individualsââ¬âthose who are unable to conform to standards that society calls ââ¬Å"normalâ⬠. Stigma (1963) was published after two of Goffmanââ¬â¢s other works, The PresentationRead MoreHow Stigma Interferes with Mental Health Care892 Words à |à 4 PagesHow Stigma Interferes With Mental Health Care Patrick Corriganââ¬â¢s article on stigmas and how they interfere with mental care brings insight into a world that many people face. Although there are conflicting ideas on how exactly stigmas towards mentally ill people are broken down, (people labeled mentally ill are stigmatized more severely than those with other health conditions; people with psychotic disorders are judged more harshly than people with depression or anxiety disorders) there is anRead MoreThe Stigma Of Mental Health Care Essay1711 Words à |à 7 Pagesstrides have been made to increase awareness and lessen the stigma, there continues to be a barrier to mental health care, especially for our nationsââ¬â¢ youth and young adults. I will be discussing the history behind mental health care, current policies regarding it, how the presence of stigma reduces the likelihood that youth and young adults are receiving the adequate mental health care they require, how mental health awareness decreases these stigma, a nd how policy changes can lead to overall acceptanceRead MoreThe Stigma Of Invisible Disabilities. Invisible Disabilities1650 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Stigma of Invisible Disabilities Invisible disabilities are exactly what they seem to be: hidden from view. Invisible disabilities come in almost endless varieties, including mental illnesses, HIV, AIDS, diabetes, learning disabilities, epilepsy, and more. While there may be visible components to these disabilities, all of them can be virtually invisible and ââ¬Å"hiddenâ⬠from view. People often make assumptions based on what is visibly seen, so when someone is suffering from something invisibleRead MoreThroughout Lifetime We All Go Through Experiences That1276 Words à |à 6 Pageschange for better or for worse. These feelings of melancholy and joyfulness are ordinary human emotions that often do not affect our everyday life. But there is a condition known as Bipolar Disorder that changes all of this. This essay will discuss the stigma and structural violence associated with Bipolar Disorder and mental illness. It will also discuss how popular cultural depicts mental health. Bipolar disorder also known as manic- depressive illness is a chronic mental illness characterized by fluctuations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Link Between Anxiety And Depression - 1717 Words
Abstract The two different mental disorders, anxiety and depression, obtain more in relation everyday. Although each can have different causes and characteristics they share many common ones. Strong links throughcertain illnesses and disorders like asthma and headaches are being configured through specific chemicals in the brain. Two examples being serotonin receptors and corticotropin releasing factor receptor1. Certain combinations of the two can lead to a change in energy leveles causing both anxiety and depression to occur at the same time. Many treatments used for both are also the same, this including some antidepressant medicines. The Link Between Anxiety and Depression Anxiety and depression are considered to be two different types of mental disorders however, they are more connected than many believe. Both anxiety and depression have their own causes, triggers, symptoms, and sources of treatment, but findings are showing strong links between all categories. Common findings between both include certain disorders, links through media, multitasking, and illnesses. Even though an exact connection associating the two disorders to be the same has not been identified there are many findings linking them to be similar. Discussion An anxiety disorder is acknowledged to be a higher energy state disorder. There are several different types of anxiety, and each type ranking higher or lower on a severity scale. The most common types of anxiety include generalized, moral,Show MoreRelatedLink Between Anxiety And Depression1940 Words à |à 8 Pages The Link Between Anxiety and Depression Cheyanne James Caledonia Mumford High School ââ¬Æ' Abstract The two different mental disorders, anxiety and depression, obtain more in relation everyday. Although each can have different causes and characteristics they share many common ones. Strong links throughcertain illnesses and disorders like asthma and headaches are being configured through specific chemicals in the brain. Two examples being serotonin receptors and corticotropin releasingRead MoreThe Link Between Anxiety And Depression1352 Words à |à 6 PagesResearch Topic: ââ¬Å"Anxiety and depression are often linked, experts say, as dealing with long-term anxiety can lead to depression, or one may feel anxious about their battle with depression.â⬠In order to talk about the ââ¬Å"linkâ⬠between Anxiety and Depression, there is a word that must be discussed: comorbidity. According one paper, ââ¬Å"Comorbidity may imply either the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in an individual at a given time, or the manifestation of multiple disorders during the lifetime ofRead MoreIntroduction Published in May 2011 the paper entitled ââ¬Å"The relation of depression and anxiety in1300 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Published in May 2011 the paper entitled ââ¬Å"The relation of depression and anxiety in academic achievement among group of university studentsâ⬠is a cross-sectional study that attempts to establish the connection between academic achievement, and depression. In this paper, it is my intention to critique the aforementioned paper and provide an overview on the following areas, methods and samples, subjects and outcome measures, results, critical evaluation and the contribution to medicalRead MoreAnxiety vs Depression837 Words à |à 4 PagesAnxiety vs. Disorder What is the difference between Anxiety and Depression? Truth is depression is a symptom sometimes experienced by people with anxiety disorders, and anxiety is sometimes experienced by people with depression. The person experiencing the depression or anxiety often can tell which came first and which is more dominant. Although there is quite a difference between the two it can sometimes be difficult to determine. There are some common symptoms between those suffering from anxietyRead MoreMacbeth, By William Shakespeare1320 Words à |à 6 Pagessleeplessness is still relevant in modern society. With the hustle and bustle of modern life depression and anxiety are commonly heard of, according to the Anxiety and Depression association of America, a relevant source and credible as it is an association, Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, with 40 million adults affected, which is roughly 18% of the population, and worldwide depression is the most comm on mental illness with an estimated 350 million people affected accordingRead MoreThe Role Of Childhood Maltreatment And Symptoms Of Depression, Social Anxiety, And Generalized Anxiety809 Words à |à 4 Pages1. Full APA style reference Asberg, Kia. Hostility/Anger as a Mediator Between College Studentsââ¬â¢ Emotion Regulation Abilities and Symptoms of Depression, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety. The Journal of Psychology 147.5: 469-90. Print. 2. What is the specific topic the article is addressing? (i.e. the role of childhood maltreatment in eating disorders? The effect of exercise on stress levels?) The authors of this study are interested in how decreased emotional regulation is relatedRead MoreEssay On Military Veterans1027 Words à |à 5 Pagesfactorsâ⬠, including symptoms of PTSD and depression (p.100). Their study population was comprised of 545 military veterans who completed a Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire indicating a link between higher PTSD related suicide and depression (p. 100). McKinney et al. (2017) found that ââ¬Å"Depression, as well as other disorders, often serves as a mediator of the relation between PTSD and suicide riskâ⬠(p.101). à The implications of the study found that depression has been identified as a contributing factorRead MoreGeneralized Anxiety Disorder ( Gad )999 Words à |à 4 PagesGeneralized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is one of the most diagnosed mental disorders today, and can often be closely linked to concurrent symptoms or disorders including physiological, behavioral, other anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse. (Merino, Senra Ferreiro, 2016) (Cacioppo Fregberg, 2013, p. 688). GAD most notably produces symptoms of excessive worry and anxiety related to non-specific risks, which often leads to functional decline both socially and professionally (Roberge etRead MoreEssay Adolescent Internet Addiction 1631 Words à |à 7 Pagestriggering factors. Help Guide (2008) outlines risk factors that can cause adolescents to become addicted to the internet. The first three factors are anxiety, depression and stress. The website states that adolescents may use the internet to distract themsel ves from the worries and fears that make them anxious and may also use the internet to escape from depression and stress which can further contribute to isolation and stress. The website also states that those who suffer from other addictions, lack ofRead MoreEffects Of Anxiety And Depression On Transgendered People874 Words à |à 4 Pages I have chosen to discuss the effects of anxiety and depression on transgendered people. For this paper I am using Transgender to mean: ââ¬Å" a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from the sex the doctor marked on their birth certificate.â⬠( What inspired me to research this social issue is with modern media individuals such as Caitlyn Jenner and television shows such as Orange is the New Black; we are learning more about Transgender. Another inspiration came from
Effects of Communication Barriers and Overcoming These Barriers free essay sample
Good morning ladies and gentleman, today I would like to talk about communication barriers and suggestion to overcome these barriers. Communication is neither transmission of message nor message itself. It is the mutual exchange of understanding, originating with the receiver. Communication needs to be effectives in business and is essence of management. Effective communication is crucial at every level of an organization. However, the ability to communicate effectively does not come easily to many people, and it is a skill that requires practice. There should be effective communication between superiors and subordinated in an organization, between organization and society at large. It is essential for success and growth of an organization. Ladies and Gentleman, Communication is one of the effective ways of expressing our thoughts and emotions. Communication can be verbal or non verbal. Both these forms of communication are important in ensuring that we are able to put across our message clearly. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Communication Barriers and Overcoming These Barriers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, there are times when there are might be some hindrances to communication, with can mar its effectiveness, resulting in miscommunication or lack of clarity. There are many reasons why effective communication is importance in business. 2. 0 The importance of effective communication a)Forms of Communication Messages can be communicated verbally with words or sounds and graphically through pictures, and also via the written words using letters, email, brochures and faxes. Additionally, communication occurs on a nonverbal level via facial expressions and posture. Interpersonal communication involves communication with others, while intrapersonal communication involves what you say to yourself. Public or mass communication is the dispensing of a message to the public via a form of mass media such as television, radio or printed media like a newspaper . In every form of communication, it is essential to have the ability to communicate in an effective manner. b)Interpersonal Communication When people are listening, they are usually thinking about what they are going to say next, not paying attention to what the speaker is saying. Clear and assertive speaking skills and the ability to convey a message in a direct yet non-confrontational manner are important communication skills. However, many people forget that it is also vital to have the ability to listen to what another person is saying. Truly listening to and focusing on what another person says can eliminate ambiguities and avoid miscommunication or potential disagreements c)Nonverbal Communication Speaking clearly and developing good listening skills are all important components of effective communication. Communicating effectively at the nonverbal level means being aware of your posture, such as keeping your legs uncrossed and sitting or standing in a relaxed position and maintaining eye contact. Subconscious actions such as leaning away from someone when they approach or showing signs of distraction by fidgeting or looking around the room are all signs of poor communication skills. d)Techniques for Effective Communication In every situation where you are trying to get a message across, being assertive without being pushy is important. Furthermore, during difficult conversations or confrontations, self control is vital so that the situation doesnt get out of control. Active listening techniques can help in this area and are useful communication skills that anyone can develop. Techniques such as mirroring and reflective listening, in which you reflect back to another person what she has just said using clarifying statements such as, If I am hearing you correctly, what you are saying is , are useful in avoiding miscommunication and show that you have genuine interest in the other person. e)Gain Satisfaction in Career Job satisfaction is important to every worker in any business. Effective communication improves self-esteem and self confidence. Articulating your ideas in meetings for example, will enhance your sense of self-worth in performing your duties. Through a successful presentation of reports or any problem solving exercise you will convey how valuable your department is to your business. Effective communication is often the only way to make this positive impression known to others. At the same time you will be promoting your own achievements without even realising it. f)Communication and Intimate Relationships Communicating effectively with our loved ones, family members and spouses can be difficult for a number of reasons. With our spouses, we may often feel that they are somehow psychically aware of our needs without our having to communicate them. Using the techniques of effective communication are especially important in intimate relationships, because we are often so comfortable with our loved ones that we sometimes forget that they cannot actually read our minds. g) Business and the importance of Effective Communication In business, being able to communicate effectively can mean the difference between success and failure, profit and loss, and gaining new clients or losing existing ones. People who have poor communication skills often get stuck at a certain level in their career. Having good communication skills is generally a requirement in any career. Assertiveness and clear speaking skills, such as knowing what you want to say in a simple, straightforward manner, are vitally important in business. Being able to listen and to tune into nonverbal communications are also beneficial if you are in a leadership position, as is the ability to manage and effectively resolve conflict in relationships with employees, co-workers and clients. Ladies and Gentleman, As we known before these, effective communication skills will not only help individuals enhance their self-esteem, but become effective employees and advance in their careers. As a manager in your organisation, your performance will be judged mostly by the ability to communicate. For example, if you perform well in your job and communicate competently, you are likely to be rewarded with advancement. The higher you advance; your communication ability will be tested. Communication skills enliven our personal and professional lives. As much as organisation changes, business communication practices must also change to accommodate business needs. Effective communication does not occur in a vacuum in any business setting communication is ongoing, always in motion and changing continuously. The communication process is dynamic which involves a sender, receiver, message, interference and feedback. Ladies and Gentleman, A lot of people think that effective communication is very easy to accomplish within the workplace without realizing the many barriers to communication. Barriers to communication can be anything that distorts or prevents a message from being properly sent or received. These barriers can cause conflict in interpersonal relationships, prevent a business from being successful in a different culture and lead to low employee satisfaction in an organization. If you want to be an effectives employee or manager, it is important that you learn what these barriers are know how to handle them so that you have efficient corporate communications. There are several barriers that affects the flow of communication in an organization. These barriers interrupt the flow of communication from the sender to the receiver, thus making communication ineffective. It is essential for managers to overcome these barriers. The barriers of communication bare summarized below. a)Physical Barriers There are two types of physical barriers, firstly is Distortion and this refers to the way in which meaning of the message is lost in handling it. It occurs a Encoding and Decoding stages of communication process as these involve human perception. Secondly, types of barriers are noise. Noise refers to the distractions and interferences in the environment. This means you are physically separated with the people from your organisation, which makes it difficult for you to relate to them or talk to them. b)Perceptual differences Perception involves the sense put to use while attaining awareness of any situation. It can be distracting, tarnishing reality with preconceived ideas or notions. This is one of the most common barriers to communications because our actions, words and mannerisms are open to other peopleââ¬â¢s interpretation. Perception may differ depending on the cultural, emotional, personal and spiritual background of the person. It is very easy to make assumptions without clarifying what the other person means by what he said or by his movements. When this happen, communication is blocked right away and conflict arises. This is why important to clarify things before reacting negatively. )Language Barriers Little communication occurs unless one or both parties learns a new language, which requires an investment of much time an effort. People travelling abroad often encounter a language barrier. People who come to a new country at an adult age, when language learning is a cumbersome process, can have particular difficulty ââ¬Å"overcoming the language barrierâ⬠. Sometimes, we donââ¬â¢t know that we use words that are easily understood by other people. This could be words from dialect that is not common to the people in your office or it could be jargon that others donââ¬â¢t know the meaning. Remember that it is always better to use words that majority of people will easily understand rather than showing off the words you know that others donââ¬â¢t. d)Interpersonal Barriers Communication Interpersonal barriers are barriers to communication that comes as a result of the way different people relate to one another. Some people may lacks the social skills, therefore with their withdraw. Others may find it hard to make time to get to know their co-workers on a more personal level because of their routines like work, and after offices activities. Above all else, if u find that you these barriers to communications are causing you friction in your relationships at work, employing some conflict resolution strategies is prudent to ensure that all employees and co-workers can function together as a group. e)Cultural Barriers Acceptable styles of communication vary between cultures. In some societies physical gestures are extravagant, and touch is more acceptable. In these societies, it is generally acceptable to hug and touch a persons arm when you are speaking to him. In other societies this would be unacceptable. Some religions have a taboo about members of the opposite sex communicating and particularly touching. Casual hugging and kissing would be completely unacceptable. Ladies and Gentleman, There are a lot of communication barriers faced these days by all. The message intended by the sender is not understood by the receiver in the same terms and sense and thus communication breakdown occurs. It is essential to deal and cope up with these communication barriers so as to ensure smooth and effective communication. As, in the previous section we have discussed the major barriers of communication. Letââ¬â¢s talk about how to overcome these barriers of communication. a)Eliminating differences in perception The organization should ensure that it is recruiting right individuals on the job. Itââ¬â¢s the responsibility of the interviewer to ensure that the interviewer has command over the written and spoken language. There should be proper trainings conducted for required employees for examples voice and accent training. b)Active Listening Listen attentively and carefully. There is a difference between ââ¬Å"listeningâ⬠and ââ¬Å"hearingâ⬠. Active listening means hearing with proper understanding of the message that is heard. By asking questions the speaker can ensure whether his/her message is understood or not by the receiver in the same terms as intended by the speaker. Though it is more difficult than said, but listening at times is more important than speaking out. Therefore, If you really want to be a listener. Wait for the other person to finish and put his point across and only then say something ahead. c)Simple Organization Structure The organizational structure should not be complex. The number of hierarchical levels should be optimum. There should be a ideal span of control within the organization. Simpler the organizational structure, more effective will be the communication. d)Emotional State During communication one should make effective use of body language. He/she should not show their emotions while communications as the receiver might misinterpret the message being delivered. For example, if the conveyer of the message is in a mood then the receiver might think that the information being delivered is not good. )Keep it Simple and Easy The basic element in the process of communication is language, which must be extremely simple and easy, so that there are no loopholes to misinterpret or not understand what you are trying to put across. Try to avoid using jargon or too much of complicated words and sentences. Remember that the basic motive is to put across the message and making sure that people understand it. No one is judging your knowledge or vocabulary, but definitely judging how effective you are when it comes to communicating. f)Feedback is Extremely Important Last but not least, taking a feedback from the receiving end, just to make sure that they have interpreted the information in the same manner as you intended to is very important. It is only through proper feedback that you can understand how far they have understood, thereby getting a chance to clarify the differences, if any. Ladies and Gentleman, As the time given to me comes to the ends, I like to stress again what I already explain to you. Firstly we know and learned about the importance of an effective communication in business setting as you are one of the managers in your organisation presenting. There are seven importance of effective communication includes; a)Forms of communication b)Interpersonal Communication c)Nonverbal Communication d)Techniques for Effective Communication e)gain satisfaction in career f)Communication and Intimate Relationships g)Business and the Importance of effective Communication The second part of our discussion of the topic is about types of common barriers to effective communication. There have five communication barriers includes; Physical Barriers b)perceptual differences c)Language Barriers d)Interpersonal Barriers communication and; )Cultural Barriers We also discussed the ways to overcomes communication barrier such as; a)Eliminating differences in perception b)Active Listening c) Simple organizational Structure d)Emotional State e)Keep it simple and easy f)Feedback is Extremely Important When communication succeeds, a business is likely to be efficient and effective. Learning simple rules in communication and others techniques that suggested by an expert will make you more effective and valuable as a business communicator in the organisation you are presenting. Effective communication improves the ability to present ideas and convey messages to other people dealt with in the workplace. Therefore, it is through communication that people in a business environment coordinate their efforts to achieve their goals. As a conclusion, I would like to say thank you for the best commitment, cooperation and participation from the floor in this session. I really appreciate this situation and support given by you and think it will be worth for you in future. I hope you already gain some importance knowledge on the topics discussed. Thank You.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
The Social Persuasion Role in the Actions of an Individual
Introduction The skills and knowledge of a person cannot serve empirically to lessen the miseries based on the very nature of things. As one deviates further from one state, his or her sense of pleasure reduces. Therefore, the concern on the scientific and psychological knowledge increases.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Social Persuasion Role in the Actions of an Individual specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Since psychology is so broad, it has several branches, which include forensic, cognitive, human factor, clinical, abnormal, behavioral, cross-cultural, health, comparative, development, educational, personality, positive, sports and social psychology. The concern of the paper is on the latter. Social psychological principles and data find applications in various ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëlegal and civil rights issues, in mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help and ergonomicsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Bushw ay Johnson, 2007, p. 151). In addition, social psychologists use such concepts in their detection of Internet-fraud, behavioral economics and evaluating the effects of a situation that includes an explanation of data, prediction of future events. Psychology concerns about peopleââ¬â¢s perception, response, personality, and their relationship with others. As a career, it involves the use of knowledge and skills acquired in solving the challenges facing an individual and group. Social psychology is a branch of psychology that explains the influences of social phenomena and the interaction of people in the society (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 460). Decision-making is a tremendously challenging aspect of human life. Whether it is morally right to make a decision with or without influence is subject to question. The purpose of the paper is to explain how social influences affect peoplesââ¬â¢ attitude, feelings, thoughts, and their decision to behave in a certain manner. However, t he fundamental principles and aspects of social persuasion play a significant role in influencing the actions and perceptions of an individual. Research Evaluation of social psychology and group behavior There are phenomena that can facilitate certain behaviors such as group influence, social loafing and facilitation, which can negative or a positive influence on an individual. Social psychologists take into account what each behavior involves and whether or not such behaviors need an intervention. A number of factors should be involved in judging the groupthink actions. Lack of self-esteem makes an individual remain independent. Such a person can easily succumb to the behavior of the group. Groupthink occurs in social networks like High schools. Theoretically, ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëit is easy to believe that a group can influence a person to continue with an action, even if it is not on their moral compassââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Frijters, 2000, p. 288). However, if the groupthink allows the dest ructive behavior a person to continue, then therapeutic interventions become inevitable.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Technology is a sociological factor, which influences the formation of values and attitudes. For instance, people from low social classes watch television more than, those from higher socioeconomic status. The sociological research has shown that the ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëpoorest and most vulnerable groups in society, such as children, the elderly, ethnic minorities, and women, are the heaviest users of televisionââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Frijters, 2000, p. 285). However, youths with low parental concern are also more susceptible to behavioral changes. Furthermore, adults and children who spend a lot of time watching aggressive programs appear to embrace attitudes and values, which use violence to resolve disagreements. The concepts of social psychology are majorly on scientific r esearch, but nonscientific disciplines have also contributed significantly to the understanding of peopleââ¬â¢s behavior. Social psychologists study human behavior from ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëcultural, political, economic and psychological perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative approachesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Bushway Johnson, 2007, p. 159). In undertaking the process, they search for regular patterns of an individual, social performance and systematic elucidations of those patterns. However, the patterns may appear understandable when pointed out, though ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëthey may not have been part of how most people consciously thought about the worldââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Taylor, Walker, 2010, p. 140). The patterns revealed by methodical survey significantly correct the long-held beliefs about certain aspects of human behavior. Research on socioeconomic status (SES) has demonstrated that positive health attitudes and behaviors are more common among individuals from high socioeconom ic background. The reason is that they receive the best care possible. However, politics also influences the attitudes and behaviors of a person. In spite of employment status, higher socioeconomic status individuals are more committed to voting. A person from lower social class ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëfeels less efficacious and is less politically active than persons of higher statusââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Taylor Walker, 2010, p. 148). In addition, unemployment experience among those of lower social class adversely affects their participation, attitudes, and behaviors. A research on conformity also depicts how it can affect a personââ¬â¢s choice to provide a correct or a wrong answer by conforming to the majority. Whenever a group agrees on something, it is difficult for an individual to give the correct answer because what the group provides is the gospel truth.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Social Persuasion Role in the Actions of an Individual specifically for y ou for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As a result, a low self-esteemed person may become a conformist and socially accepted (Bushway Johnson, 2007, p. 177). Otherwise, despite being the reason for becoming a conformist, it still influences oneââ¬â¢s behavior. There has been a debating trend on pros and cons of conformity. In my view, it depends on whether a personââ¬â¢s principles have changed either positively or negatively. The social penalty considered suitable for undesirable behavior varies widely between societies. The theories affect the purpose of punishment to deter one from committing or repeating the crime (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 458). The methods for punishing criminals in some communities range from fines to exile and from mutilation to execution. Therefore, the success of any negative rewards in preventing crimes becomes difficult to study due to the ethical restrictions on research transferring unusual penalties to similar crimina ls. Concepts of Social Psychology The perception of an individual on his or her self in relation to the rest of the world plays a vital role in the personsââ¬â¢ behaviors, beliefs, and choices. Consequently, other peoplesââ¬â¢ opinion influence oneââ¬â¢s behavior and personality. Such external forces can affect an individualââ¬â¢s perceptions, feeling, and thoughts leading to competition, frustrations, and many factors of aggression (Bushway Johnson, 2007, p. 154). The correspondent influence theory explains an individual perception of oneââ¬â¢s self, other people, and the world especially when a person infers that the behavior of others corresponds to their actions and personalities. Although, the behavior of a person can be informative, it can also be misleading particularly when the personsââ¬â¢ overriding dispositional characteristics do not cause them. Moreover, people tend to analyze and explain the behavior of others (Taylor Walker, 2010, p. 143). Therefor e, our world is simplified and our perceptions skewed by expectation conformation leading to stereotyping. The interaction between the individual and the situation determines the outcome. As a result, people behave differently in various situations. People express feelings and thoughts differently in their minds due to emotional reactions. Philosophically, if feelings occupy part of the brain, then a person has less capacity for thoughts. For instance, emotional extremes such as crime makes a person barely think at all but do not render him or her unintelligent.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Otherwise, emotions are like a switch, which goes on and off for everyone. According to Selymes (2011), ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëthe more we like something, the more it is going to cause feelings and thoughtsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (p. 100). Since thought is a period of increased attention, it corresponds to feelings so that if a personââ¬â¢s feeling is faulty then his or her thinking is also defective. Positive and negative impacts of social factors on attitudes and behaviors Social influence arises when other people affect an individualââ¬â¢s thoughts, feelings, and actions. The influence takes forms such as ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëconformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, family and persuasionââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Taylor Walker, 2010, p. 152). In the family set up, the relationship between parents and children shapes the behavior and attitudes of the young ones. For instance, parents can powerfully affect their adolescent childrenââ¬â¢s sexual behavior mainly when the teens equip themselves with the correct and relevant information about the development changes they expect to experience. The marital status and the parental supervision influence the teensââ¬â¢ decision to engage in sexual activity. According to Katherine and Turner (2010), ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëâ⬠¦adolescenceââ¬â¢ whose parents report a stricter monitoring of their behavior during preadolescent is less likely to be sexually activeââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (p.470). In addition, single parent and family stability also influence the behavior and attitude of the children. People are social beings who survive in the company of others. As a result, they categorize themselves into various social groupings such as villages, cities, and countries, in which their behaviors changes due to interactions. Notwithstanding, they merge socialization with planned changes in social behavior over a time. Since the ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëpatterns of human society differ from place to place and era to era and across cultures, the social wo rld becomes particularly complex and dynamicââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Taylor, Walker, 2010, p. 141). Therefore, people acquire complex behavior and attitudes. Even though every individual has the capacity to control his or her attitude, friendship can easily reverse the way one lives. Therefore, an individual can chose behavior based on the attitude and the behavior of a friend. People often accept behavior when they are in mutual relationship (Frijters, 2000, p. 298). For instance, individuals in an intimate relationship influence one anotherââ¬â¢s actions and thoughts. They only tend to acquire accommodative behavioral aspects and attitudes towards one another. Moreover, the state of dissonance makes a personââ¬â¢s action and perception to change to accommodate the friendââ¬â¢s opinion. Consequently, such conflict involving attitude and behavior explicates why ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëa person who continues to behave against his or her moral realizes that the morals becomes weakerââ¬â¢Ã ¢â¬â¢ (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 463). As such, his or her attitude towards that particular conduct is no longer strappingly opposed to it. Socioeconomic status is an uncommonly powerful means of creating the cultural environment of nurturing a person. Ethnically bound experiences provide the mirror for judging behavior, principles, and manifestations. The class into which one is born affects his or her behavior and attitude towards the speech, diet, fashions, and interests. How a person will perceive the social world also changes (Taylor Walker, 2010, p. 150). Moreover, class influences the anxieties and opportunities an individual will experience and therefore, determines how he or she will live future. Such influences may affect the education, profession, marriage, and living standard of the person. Otherwise, with impacts of social factors many people live extremely different lives from the standards for their class. The simplicity with which a person can transform his or h er social class varies significantly with time and place. Today, a great number of people are escaping from poverty through economic and educational opportunities while others are being impoverished due to the impacts of social factors. Socioeconomic status affects oneââ¬â¢s behavior on sexuality and partner selection. For instance, menââ¬â¢s socioeconomic status and their ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëreadiness to invest affection and resources in relationships may offset the effects of their physical charisma in womenââ¬â¢s genuine selection of partnersââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Selymes, 2011, p. 98). However, women prefer sexual intercourse that occurs in a relationship, which involve love and marital potential. Cultural and Gender Influences Every culture has a different network of guidelines and connotations. The diversities include ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëthe methods of trade and administration, social responsibilities, religions, traditions in clothing and foods and arts, behavior and attitudes and be liefs and values on their activitiesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 482). Cultural traditions and beliefs give the inadequacies on behaviors. For instance, if a personââ¬â¢s culture prefers a bride who shows her bloody bed sheet on the morning following her wedding night, then she would probably not engage in a sexual act before marriage. A woman would tend to do everything possible just to preserve her hymen by ensuring that blood appears in her bed sheet. It is therefore, the responsibility of every individual in such communities to conduct themselves as per the traditions and norms but not as their conviction. The concept of super natural being also differs from one culture to the other. Secular societies thus influence the behavior of the people towards the perception of ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëlegal, political, professional, medical and family institutionsââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Taylor Walker, 2010, p. 154). The interpretation of God is diverse to the extent that a person can easily change his or her behavior even without notable mechanism to such actions. The principles of psychological reliability apply to supernatural beings as to material characteristics. For instance, what a person perceives as religion because of its association with religious foundations is not holy but follows the cultural influence. In cultural analysis, the Christian attributes to the concept of God has influence the behavior and attitude of many people in the society. While one cannot alter the things, which befalls him or her, we can often wish the attitude to have on circumstances. As Selymes (2011) puts it, ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëour attitudes will ultimately direct us down the path of life, for better or for worseââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (p. 102). Cultural beliefs on health related matters influence oneââ¬â¢s behavior. For instance, those with pleasant attitudes live longer and have better quality of life than those with negative behavior towards life. Moreover, having a negative attit ude makes people feel vulnerable and irritated when they are sick. Conversely, positive attitude reduces mental Health and Stress. Gender provides regulations that limit the daily behavior. Philosophically, no one has ever requested or even sent a letter to the parents to be born as either a girl or a boy. Gender remains biologically determined. The attitude of men towards women often changes the manner in which the latter behave in a society. For instance, if it were not a right for a man to cook, then he would not bother learning how to cook but rather date women who can cook for him (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 480). In addition, males often want to spend with young girls and even brand them as ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëweak and stupidââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ if they refuse to give in to their filthy behaviors. Such issues simply make people think about how they will live their lives every day thereby changing their attitude. People freely join groups based on some shared interests besides the cultu ral settings into which a person is born. Such attachment influences ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëhow people think of themselves and how others think of themââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Selymes, 2011, p. 91). The groups enforce anticipations and rules, which make the behavior of members more conventional even modeling such behaviors. Therefore, they reinforce virtuous behavior by praises and prizes punishing unacceptable ones by rejection, fines, and threats. Otherwise, attitudes toward other groups are likely to involve stereotyping and social prejudices (Katherine Turner, 2010, p. 478). Moreover, the informal interaction of a child with peers, relatives and the entertainment influences his or her expected attitude and conduct. Culturally stimulated behavioral patterns such as body language, funniness, and speech patterns become so intensely imbedded in the human mind that a person operates without being entirely conscious of them. Restatement of the thesis and a conclusion Social psychology presents the e valuation of personality based on the individualââ¬â¢s adjustments to social influences and the psychological effects of behavioral changes as well as research and literature studies on the social effects on group behavior. The paper has analyzed the ways in which a person changes his or her feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and cultural beliefs due to social factors. Each culture has rules for devising ââ¬Ëââ¬Ëmorals, perceptions and attitude on notions such as family, reputations, fidelity, integrity, pleasure, love and what is just or morally wrongââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢ (Bushway Johnson, 2007, p. 170). The essay has also shown how persuasion can significantly influence behavior, the ways of motivating and punishing behavior, effects of socioeconomic status on attitudes and life satisfaction and the Social Psychological perspectives on prejudice and erroneous beliefs of the society. In my view, technological inventions have maximized the manners in which values influence behavior . Such inventions have minimized the expenses for travelling and communications and has also categorically enhanced ethics, ambitions and priorities in exposing the behaviors of the young and the old, professionals and politicians and their approaches towards gender and sex, justice and violence and the less fortunate in the society. Furthermore, good behavior in one culture may be unacceptable in another. For instance, aggressive behavior is appropriate in a highly competitive society while it is morally wrong in some cultures. Although there is a wide range of cultural customs in the world, almost all the cultures consider some kinds of behavior such as violence, rape, and theft unacceptable. References Bushway, S., Johnson, D. (2007). Is the Magic Still There? The Use of the Heckman Two-Step Correction for Selection Bias in Criminology. Journal of Quantitativeà Criminology, 23(2), 151-178. Frijters, P. (2000). Do individuals try to maximize general satisfaction? Journal ofà Economic Psychology, 21(3), 281-304. Katherine, J., Turner, J. (2010). Interactionism in Personality and Social Psychology: An Integrated Approach to Understanding the Mind and Behavior. Europeanà Journal of Personality, 24(5), 458-482. Selymes, O. (2011). The theory of Social Control and the Social Psychology of Dissatisfaction: Inhibition, Regression and Isolation in a Cultural Context.à Grounded Theory Review, 10(2), 91-111. Taylor, M., Walker, T. (2010). The Influence of Cultural Identification, Religiosity, and Self-esteem on Alcohol use among African American, Hispanic, and white Adolescents. Western Journal of Black Studies, 35(2), 139-156. This essay on The Social Persuasion Role in the Actions of an Individual was written and submitted by user Elite to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essays
Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essays Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essay Airport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Essay SecurityAdministrationAirport Body Scanners and Personal Privacy Believe it or not, there was a time when passengers showed up an hour before their flights and walked directly to their assigned gates without taking off their shoes at a security screening station or throwing away their bottles of water. There was even a time when friends and family met passengers at the gate and watch their flights take off or land without having a ticket or identificationâ⬠¦and that was only ten years ago. Air travel safety precautions changed dramatically after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks that targeted passenger planes in the United States and killed well over 1,000 people. Precautions continue to evolve as new threats are detected and passengers are now concerned about where to draw the line with invasion of privacy versus national security, particularly with the introduction of the body scanners at security checkpoints. Flight passengers must accept the use of body scanners to ensure safe air travel for all. In 2007, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) began distributing body scanners to use at security checkpoints in airports. There was an instant outrage when people were told that the scanners produced images of passengers without clothing. As of September 2010, there were 200 body scanners at 50 airports in the United States with hundreds more to come (Stellin 2010). Disgruntled passengers have vehemently protested the invasion of privacy resulting from the body scan images. Passengers are equally angry with the alternative to the body scan: an intrusive, full-body pat-down that is more intimate than pat-downs of the past. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, ââ¬Å"The TSA has recently changed its guidelines and these pat-downs are now much more invasive. Screeners are now authorized to use the front of their hands and to touch areas around breasts and groins. â⬠(2010). Women and men both liken the new pat-down regulations to sexual molestation and claim that it is not an acceptable option over having a naked body image scanned and viewed by a TSA agent. Holiday travelers were recently advised by independent groups to protest the body scannersââ¬â¢ invasion of privacy by insisting on having the pat-down alternative in public view so fellow travelers could see the invasive nature of the new procedures. There are also concerns over the safety of the body scanners. There are currently two types of scanners: millimeter wave body scanners and backscatter scanners. The millimeter wave scanners use electromagnetic waves to create images, while the backscatter scanners emit low-levels of radiation that reflects off the skin to create the naked body image. Frank 2010). Passengers are demanding to know the long-term effects of the radiation exposure required to capture the body images when using the backscatter scanners. Pilots are also up in arms over the new scanners and claim that the small amounts of radiation exposure increase the already high risk level of cancer seen in airline pilots. Knox claims that the U. S. Airline Pilots Associ ation and the Allied Pilots Association are recommending that pilots refuse the body scanners and request a pat-down (2010). Passengers are arguing that the privacy violations and increased radiation exposure that the body scanners are creating are not even relevant in the fight against terrorism, as most of the current security measures are reactionary. For example, in 2002, Richard Reid attempted to blow up a passenger plane by using a bomb in his shoe. Ever since then, passengers flying out of domestic airports are required to remove their shoes for scanning before clearing security. Security has not uncovered another shoe bombing since the incident. Another example is the 2006 terror plot discovered by British authorities. The plot involved a man who planned to detonate a bomb with liquid explosives and a MP3 player. In response to this threat, passengers were banned from bringing liquids or gels onboard, with the exception of those purchased in the terminal after clearing securityâ⬠¦bad news for travelers who want to bring a thermos of coffee from home, but good news for the airport vendors. In 2009, a man on a flight from the Netherlands to Detroit attempted to blow up a plane with explosives in his underwear. Although the body scanners were in the United States at the time, they were not in the Netherlands. Passengers argue that no matter how many security measures are put in place, terrorists will find a new and innovative way to cause destruction. They claim that the only guarantee the body scanners can make is violation of privacy for innocent people. Privacy issues often become a heated debate in a country like the United States of America, which was founded on the basic principle of freedom. Passengers are outraged that officials are viewing nude images of their bodies. They are rebelling against intrusive pat-downs and demanding better solutions. The TSA takes all of these concerns under consideration and has made admirable efforts to ensure privacy, as well as to clarify points used in arguments against the new screenings. For example, the TSA has established strict guidelines regarding the images received by the body scanners. Images of women are only viewed by female agents and images of men are only viewed by male agents. The agents viewing the images are in a separate, secure room and never see the passengers they are viewing on screen. According to TSAââ¬â¢s privacy policy, ââ¬Å"The two officers communicate via wireless headset. Once the remotely located officer determines threat items are not present, that officer communicates wirelessly to the officer assisting the passenger. The passenger may then continue through the security process. â⬠(2010). The images are not stored; they are deleted after being viewed. ââ¬Å"Advanced imaging technology cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image is automatically deleted from the system after it is cleared by the remotely located security officer. Officers evaluating images are not permitted to take cameras, cell phones or photo-enabled devices into the resolution room. â⬠(Privacy 2010). Also, in many cases, the scanners have a special feature that blurs faces so distinguishing facial characteristics are not seen. ââ¬Å"To further protect passenger privacy, millimeter wave technology blurs all facial features and backscatter technology has an algorithm applied to the entire image,â⬠(Privacy 2010). Privacy measures have also been taken with the pat-downs. Passengers have the right to request a private area for the pat-downs, out of view from other passengers. The TSA Pat-Down procedure states, ââ¬Å"You have the right to request the pat-down be conducted in a private room and you have the right to have the pat-down witnessed by a person of your choice. All pat-downs are only conducted by same-gender officers. The officer will explain the pat-down process before and during the pat-down. â⬠(2010). While officials are unable to do anything about the intrusive nature of the pat-down, the TSA says, ââ¬Å"Pat-downs are one important tool to help TSA detect hidden and dangerous items such as explosives. Passengers should continue to expect an unpredictable mix of security layers that include explosives trace detection, advanced imaging technology, canine teams, among others. (TSA Statement 2010). According to government officials and researchers, the concerns about increased radiation from the body scanners are unfounded. Consumer Health News quotes physics professor Peter Rez as saying, ââ¬Å"The probability of getting a fatal cancer [from the body scanner] is about one in 30 million, which puts it lower than the probability of being killed by being struck by lightning in any year in the United States, which is about one in 5 million. (Reinberg 2010). While passengers are exposed to very small amounts of radiation from the backscatter body scanner, the millimeter wave scannerââ¬â¢s electromagnetic waves are harmless. Frank states, ââ¬Å"Millimeter-wave machines are entirely safe. Backscatter machines, which emit low levels of radiation, have been studied and declared safe by groups including the Food and Drug Administration, the American College of Radiology and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. The FDA says backscatter machines emit less radiation in each scan than a passenger receives during two minutes of a flight. â⬠(2010). The biggest criticism of security measures, including the body scanners, is that they are reactionary methods of keeping flights safe. That statement is true; however, it does not invalidate the fact that the measures have successfully kept domestic flights safe since they were implemented. There hasnââ¬â¢t been another instance of a shoe bomber because terrorists know they will be detected through security. There hasnââ¬â¢t been a liquid explosive or explosives in underwear on domestic flights for the same reason. Without a doubt, the security measures slow travel down, and offend passengers- but they are done in the name of safety and they are the best options currently available for safe travel. Reactionary methods are necessary to prevent the same tragedy from happening over and over again. It is crucial to learn from past weaknesses and build stronger security protocols based on previous attack methods. The new body scanners in airports across the country upset many travelers. It is true that the scanners do produce graphic images; however, there are TSA precautions in place to ensure the utmost level of privacy and respect possible for travelers while protecting the safety of everyone traveling on passenger planes. Health concerns over the scanners are not merited and numerous studies have found that the levels of radiation emitted are negligible. TSA offers a body pat-down for those who remain unconvinced of the scannersââ¬â¢ safety or are unwilling to have an image taken. While the pat-downs are intrusive, like the scanners, they are necessary to ensure the safety of everyone. The reality of the world is that there is danger. There are people all over the world and within the United States who want to do harm to others. An invasion of privacy is preferable over death, particularly when the body scans are conducted with the highest amount of discretion possible while still being effective. Passengers must not think of the new security measures as insulting and degrading; they are, in fact, an insurance policy that makes air travel one step closer to being safe. Reference List Frank, T. (2010, November 24). Answers to questions on new measure. USA Today. Knox, R. (2010). Protests mount over safety and privacy of airport scanners. National Public Radio. Retrieved from npr. org Privacy. (2010). Transportation Security Administration. Retrieved from www. tsa. org. Reinberg, S. (2010, November 23). Airport body scanners safe, experts say. Consumer health news. Stellin, S. (2010, September 12). Are scanners worth the risk? New York Times. TSA pat-down search abuse. (2010). American Civil Liberties Union. Retrieved from aclu. org/technology-and-liberty/tsa-pat-down-search-abuse TSA statement. (2010). Transportation Security Administration. Retrieved from www. tsa. org.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Change Detection Techniques of Remote Sensing Imageries
Change Detection Techniques of Remote Sensing Imageries 1.1 Introduction Over the past years, academics have suggested enormous numbers of change detection techniques of remote sensing imageries and classified them from a different point of views [ 28 ]. These techniques depend on the assumption of spatial independence among pixels. This assumption is valid only for low, medium and high-resolution images but insufficient for VHR images [ 1 ]. This chapter presents the concept, implementation, and assessment of seven change detection techniques using low, medium and high-resolution ORSI. The rest of this chapter is organized into eight sections. Section 3.2 presents a brief description of the study areas. Section 3.3 describes the dataset characteristics of the study areas (Sharm El-Sheikh city and Mahalla al-kubra city ââ¬â Egypt). Section 3.4 presents the pre-processing performed on the image dataset before change detection process. Section 3.5 provides the accuracy assessment measures used for evaluation of the change detectio n process. Section 3.6 illustrates the concepts of the selected seven change detection techniques . These techniques are post-classification, direct multi-date classification (DMDC), image differencing (ID), image rationing (IR), image symmetric relative difference (ISRD), change vector analysis (CVA), and principal component differencing (PCD). Section 3.7 presents the experimental work. It explains the Implementation and accuracy assessment of applying the selected change detection techniques on an image dataset of Sharm El-Sheikh city- Egypt. Section 3.8 presents the application of ââ¬Å"post-classificationâ⬠change detection technique on an image dataset of El-Mahalla El-kubra City-Egypt to detect the urban expansion over the agricultural area through the period from 2010 to 2015. Finally, section 3.9 gives the chapter summary. 1.2 The study areas In this chapter, two study areas are selected for the application of the selected change detection techniques. The first area is a part of Sharm el-Sheikh city. It is located on the southern landfill of the Sinai Peninsula, in the South Sinai Governorate, Egypt, on the coastal bar along the Red Sea as shown in figure (3.1). Its population is approximately 73,000 as of 2015 [ 62 ]. Sharm El Sheikh is the administrative hub of Egyptââ¬â¢s South Sinai Governorate, which includes the smaller coastal towns of Dahab and Nuweiba as well as the mountainous interior, St. Catherine and Mount Sinai. Today the city is a holiday resort and significant center for tourism in Egypt. The selected area is about 12.5 Km 2 . The second study area is a village belongs to El Mahalla El Kubra city. El Mahalla El Kubra is a large industrial and agricultural city in Egypt, located in the middle of the Nile Delta on the western bank of the Damietta Branch tributary, as shown in figure (3.2). The city is known for its textile industry. It is the largest city of the Gharbia Governorate and the second largest in the Nile Delta [ 63 ]. The selected area is about 38 Km 2 . 1.3 Images datasets of the study areas In this chapter, two datasets are used. The first dataset consists of two images of Sham el-Sheikh city acquired by Landsat 7 at 2000 and 2010 respectively as shown in figure (3.3). Area of the image lies between Lat. 28 0 37.0091 N, Lon. 34 17 56.3381 E and Lat.à 27 57 20.8804 N, Lon. 34 24 43.6080 E. Table (3.1) summarizes the characteristic of these images. Table (3.1 )à Characteristic of Sham el-Sheikh dataset No Spatial resolution Radiometric resolution Number of bands Acquisition date Size [pixels] Area [km 2 ] Width Height 1 30 m 8 bits 3 2000 382 364 12.5143 2 30 m 8 bits 3 2010 382 364 12.5143 (a) (b) Fig (3.3 ) Dataset of Sharm el-Sheikh city- Egypt acquired by Landsat 7 at (a) image acquired at 2000 and the (b) image acquired at 2010. Figure (3.4) illustrates the second dataset of a village belongs to EL Mahalla al-Kubra city in Egypt. It consists of two images acquired in 2010 and 2015. It is taken by El-Shayal Smart web online Software that could acquire Satellite images from Google Earth. The image area lies between Lat. 30 57 46.9032 N, Lon. 31 14 35.4776E and Lat. 30 54 47.00 N, Lon. 31 18 19.98. Table (3.2) summarizes the characteristic of this dataset. (a) (b) Fig ( 3.4 ) Dataset of EL mahalla al-kubra city- Egypt ( Google Earth) (a) image acquired at 2010 and (b) image acquired at 2015. Table (3.2 )à Characteristic of EL mahalla al-kubra dataset No Spatial resolution Radiometric resolution Number of bands Acquisition date Size [pixels] Area [km 2 ] Width Height 1 6 m 8 bits 3 2010 1056 1007 38.2821 2 6 m 8 bits 3 2015 1056 1007 38.2821 1.4 Image Pre-processing for Change Detection Before change detection process, it is usually necessary to carry out the radiometric correction and image registration for the dataset used [ 64 ].à In sections 3.4.1and 3.4.2, the concept of radiometric and image registration are described. The execution of preprocessing on the dataset used is given in section 3.7.2. 1.4.1 Radiometric correction Radiometric conditions are influenced by many factors such as different imaging seasons or dates, different solar altitudes, different view angles, different meteorologic conditions and different cover areas of cloud, rain or snow etc. It may affect the accuracy of most change detection techniques. Radiometric correction is performed to remove or reduce the inconsistency between the values surveyed by sensors and the spe ctral reflectivity and spectral radiation brightness of the objects, which encompasses absolute radiometric correction and relative radiometric correction [ 26 ]. Absolute radiometric correction It mainly rectifies the radiation distortion that is irrelevant to the radiation features of the object surface and is caused by the state of sensors, solar illumination, and dispersion and absorption of atmospheric etc. The typical methods mainly consist of adjusting the radiation value to the standard value with the transmission code of atmospheric radiation, adjusting the radiation value to the standard value with spectral curves in the lab, adjusting the radiation value to the standard value with dark object and transmission code of radiation, rectifying the scene by removing the dark objects and so on. Due to the fact that it is expensive and impractical to survey the atmospheric parameter and ground objects of the current data, and almost impossible to survey that of the histor ical data, it is difficult to implement absolute radiometric correction in most situations in reality. Relative radiometric correction In a relative radiometric correction, an image is regarded as a reference image. Then adjust the radiation features of another image to make it match with the former one. Main methods consist of correction by histogram regularization and correction with fixed object. This kind of correction can remove or reduce the effects of atmosphere, sensor, and other noises. In addition, it has a simple algorithm. So it has been widely used. The radiation algorithms that are most frequently used at present in the preprocessing of change detection mainly consists of image regression method, pseudo-invariant features,à dark set and bright set normalization, no-change set radiometric normalization, histogram matching, second simulation of the satellite signal in the solar spectrum and so on. It should be pointed that radiometric correction isnââ¬â¢t n ecessary for all change detection methods. Although some scholars hold that radiometric corrections are necessary for multi-sensor land cover change analysis Leonardo studies at 2006 have shown that if the obtained spectral signal comes from the images to be classified, it is unnecessary to conduct atmospheric correction before the change detection of post-classification comparison. For those change detection algorithms based on feature, object comparison, radiometric correction is often unnecessary [ 64 ]. 1.4.2 Image registration Precise registration to the multi-temporal imageries is essential for numerous change detection techniques. The importance of precise spatial registration of multi-temporal imagery is understandable because generally spurious results of change detection will be formed if there is misregistration. If great registration accuracy isnââ¬â¢t available, a great deal of false change area in the scene will be caused by image displacement. It is commonly approved that the geometrical registration accuracy of the sub-pixel level is recognized. It can be seen that the geometrical registration accuracy of the sub-pixel level is necessary to change detection. However, it is doubtful whether this result is suitable for all registration data sources and all detected objects and if suitable how much it is. Another problem is whether this result has no influence on all change detection techniques and applications and if there is any influence how much it is. These Problems are worth to be studied further. On the other hand, it is difficult to implement high accuracy registration between multi-temporal especially multi-sensor remote sensing images due to many factors, such as imaging models, imaging angles and conditions, curvature and rotation of the earth and so on. Especially in the mountainous region and urban area, general image registration methods are ineffective and orthorectification is needed. Although geometrical registration of h igh accuracy is necessary to techniques used for low, medium and high resolution (like image differencing techniques and post-classification), it is unnecessary for all change detection t. For the feature-based change detection methods like object-based change detection method, the so-called buffer detection procedure can be employed to associate the extracted objects or features and in this manner, the harsh prerequisite of perfect registration can be escaped [ 65 ]. However, these methods neglect the key problem of the distinction between radiometric and semantic changes. So, it does not address the problem of change detection from a general perspective. It just focuses on specific applications relevant to the end user [ 1 ]. 1.5 Accuracy Assessment used for Change Detection Process evaluation The accuracy of change detection depends on many factors, including precise geometric registration and calibration or normalization, availability and quality of ground reference data, t he complexity of landscape and environment, methods or algorithms used, the analystââ¬â¢s skills and experience, and time and cost restrictions.à Authors in [ 66 ] summarized the main errors in change detection including errors in data (e.g. image resolution, accuracy of location and image quality), errors caused by pre-processing (the accuracy of geometric correction and radiometric correction), errors caused by change detection methods and processes (e.g. classification and data extraction error), errors in field survey (e.g. accuracy of ground reference) and errors caused by post-processing. Accuracy assessment techniques in change detection originate from those of remote sensing images classification. It is natural to extend the accuracy assessment techniques for processing single time image to that of bi-temporal or multi-temporal images. Among various assessment techniques, the most efficient and widely-used is the error matrix [ 26 ]. It describes the comparison or cr oss-tabulation of the classified land cover to the actual land cover revealed by the sample sites results in an error matrix as demonstrated in the table (3.3). It can be called a confusion matrix, contingency table [ 67 ], evaluation matrix [ 68 ] or misclassification matrix [ 69 ]. Different measures and statistics can be derived from the values in an error matrix. These measures are used to evaluate the change detection process. These measures are overall accuracy, procedures accuracy and user accuracy [ 70 ]. Overall accuracy of the change map It presents the ratio of the total number of correctly classified pixels to the total number of pixels in the matrix. This figure is normally expressed as a percentage. It can be expressed as follows: The overall accuracy = à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (3.1) Userââ¬â¢s accuracy (column accuracy) It is a measure of the reliability of change map generated fro m a CD process. It is a statistic that can tell the user of the map what percentage of a class corresponds to the ground-truthed class. It is calculated by dividing the number of correct pixels for a class by the total pixels assigned to that class. The user accuracy = à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (3.2) Producerââ¬â¢s accuracy (raw accuracy) It is a measure of the accuracy of a particular classification scheme. It shows what percentage of a particular ground class was correctly classified. It is calculated by dividing the number of correct pixels for a class by the actual number of ground truth pixels for that class. The procedure accuracy = à à à à à à à à à à à à (3.3) Table ( 3 . 3 ) Change error matrix or confusion matrix. Classified land cover Actual land cover Class1 = change Class2 = no change Class1 = change Correct False Class2 = no change False Correct 1.6 Concepts of the selected change detection techniques Seven LULC change detection techniques are selected to be implemented on our dataset. These techniques are post-classification, direct multi-date classification ( DMDC ), image differencing (ID), image rationing (IR), image symmetric relative difference (ISRD), change vector analysis (CVA), and principal component differencing (PCD). Image differencing Itis based on the subtraction of two spatially registered imageries, pixel by pixel, as follows: ID =X i (t 2 ) ââ¬â X i (t 1 )à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à (3.4) Where: X represents the multispectral images with I (number of bands) acquired at two different times t 1 and t 2 . The pixel s of changed area are predictable to be scattered in the two ends of the histogram of the resulting image (change map), and the no changed area is grouped around zero as shown in figure (3.5). This simple manner easily infers the resulting image; conversely, it is vital to properly describe the thresholds to perceive the change from non-change regions [ 71 ] . Image Rationing It is similar to image differencing method. The only difference between them is the replacement of the differencing images by rationed images [ 71 ].
Thursday, February 13, 2020
J&G Garden Center Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
J&G Garden Center - Case Study Example Additionally, it is reported they are competent, efficient, and effective in the execution of their duties (J&G Garden Center Case 171). Therefore, it would be imperative for Mr. Weed to take the liability of what he has actually tried to avoid. In regards to the environmental pollution from the chemical and other biohazards related to his product, he built a secure house with a locked barbed wire face as well as an alarm system that would alert them in case of any danger related to his business. Moreover, he constructed Material Runoff Proof Segment and took a special liability insurance policy to ensure the business is covered at any time of any dangerous eventuality. All these initiatives were meant to protect the worker, customer, the community, and the environments that are exposed to the businessââ¬â¢ products. In other words, the business if fully compliant with regulatory, customers and environmental safety thereby it neither have loopholes nor undermined operational requi rements. However, it is proper that Mr. Weed is considered an ethical conflict for the closure of the divider. The business has a high profit margin and the only this Weed can do is to provide additional education on the after use safety measures through sensitizing the community and the persons he considers of concern (Duska and Rongione 92). In addition, he may hire or train more workers on the use of his products so that they may conduct regular monitoring and inspection places or fields that these chemicals are used to reduce the negative effects of these chemical on the users and their immediate surroundings (J&G Garden Center Case 171). In this manner, Weed shall have adequately solved the ethical conflicts surrounding his business. Part Two: Closing the New Division It is proper that the business is shut down the business since it is apparent that the business does not meet the minimum requirement set by the business. The minimum requirements herein are the ineffectiveness of the measures already intended to be met by the business. It should be noted that the company should maintain its name at all time during its operational life since the name company of the company is what makes such a company viable (J&G Garden Center Case 172). In fact, serious ethical issues affecting new division including lawsuits may affect the operation of Weedââ¬â¢s other business. Therefore, it will only be proper to shut down the business in favor of the operation of other businesses. However, instead of closing the business, Weed may improve the business profile with the focus on solving the ethical and legal problems currently facing the business. Numerous initiatives and measure may be taken towards improving the current business situation. As suggested by his wife and partners in his businesses, Weed should embark on a serious marketing (Schwartz 94). Marketing is a sure way of building confidence of the customer and the public on the business. Additionally, in his m arketing scheme, Weed should include well-articulated measures towards preventing the already identified problems associated with the application of his products. The business should also develop intensive monitoring trends to ensure that their customers, other than promising to adhere strictly to the down listed precaution requirement, they are actually following them to the letter (J&G Garden Center Case 172). Efficient, effective, and adequate monitoring will enable the company to detect any problem that is associated with
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Public Schools Sex Ed Teach Abstinence Only Research Paper
Public Schools Sex Ed Teach Abstinence Only - Research Paper Example Sex education got introduced into the American public school curriculum in the late 19th century, and continues to be a prime policy issue for the federal and state governments. The aim of this move by the government is to combat Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and inculcate sexual morality by promoting abstinence. Over time, there has been further formalization of the abstinence agenda in public schools. In fact, only sex education programs that accentuated abstinence used to receive funding from the government, while the comprehensive programs that allowed safe sex with pregnancy prevention methods such as contraception were not funded by the government (Chisara, 2011, p. 23). In the present time, the government funds comprehensive sex education programs that promote safe sex and contraception among school-going children. This essay discusses the reasons why abstinence needs to be taught in public schools. One of the reasons why public schools should teach abstinence to their children is that it the surest way of protecting this future generation from acquiring diseases that would make them unproductive in the future. Avoidance of all forms of sex is the appropriate and effective method of reducing the rates new HIV/AIDS infections among the school going children. In this regard, Knox & Schacht (2010, p. 146) observe that abstinence sex education policies need to be strengthened to reduce the prevalence of STIs in the school-going age population because while the children make up only about 25 per cent of the sexually active people, they acquire approximately half of all new STIs every year (Knox & Schacht, 2010, p. 161). As a consequence, the school goers become less productive as some of them miss classes to seek treatment for STIs in the short-term, while a considerable number of them become unproductive members of
Friday, January 24, 2020
Othello :: English Literature Essays
Othello In William Shaspeare play Othello, Iago make Othello believe that Desdemona is having an affair with Cassio. He does by taking advantage of any situation to make of Othello doubt. Iago make Othello thing a lot of crazy thing on his head, Othello got so jelous leading him to kill his own wife, Desdemona, satisfying iago obseccion for revenge. The Reason why Iago develop such as evil plan is because Iago suspect that Othello is having an affair with his wife Emilia. He cited when he said "And it is thought abroad that 'twist my sheets he's done my office." The irony behind this line is that he then says, "I know not if't be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety." That mean, He is not sure that Othello is having an affair with his wife but he will pay anyhow, this show that Iago is so blind with his jealousy that he will do anything on his reach to make Othello for such act no sure committed. Iago elaborates a master plan to get Cassio position as a lieutenant. Iago get Cassio drunk so he could fight Roderigo. Othello then discharge Cassio from the lieutenant position when he says, How must poor Cassio have felt? To lose all he had worked for, working up his reputation that any half-hearted human can tell he earned and deserved. Iago know that Othello who ask him about the deed because of he fame of being a honest man. Iago tell Othello about the deed winning his trust that is when Iago starts to crab Othello by his weak point his Love for Desdemona. The first part of the plant start when Cassio is drunk, and cassio but the plan begin to develop a little more when Cassio is dismissed from his position. Cassio sad because he reputation has gone under the hill with the act the he committed unfortunately Iago uses Cassio as a puppet to go ahead with his evil plan. Iago suggest Cassio to try to speak with Desdemona to Convince Othello. Iago knows that Desdemona it a very naà ¯ve woman and she will be a very valuable piece to continue his evil game. At the castle ground, Cassio meet with Desdemona and exhorted her to ask Othello to take him back. Situation that Iago utilized to his advantages Iago put ideas
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Theory of Knowledge Essay
Theory of Knowledge Name: Rigved Sawant Topic: ââ¬ËRole of language and reasoning in History. ââ¬â¢ What is history? History, as anyone would know is the study of the human past. It can also mean the period of time after which writing was found. It is a field of research which uses a chronological pattern to examine and analyze the sequence of events and it also very minutely determines the cause and effect of such events. Those who study or researches in history are called historians. For them to have clear knowledge of language to be used history is very important. What I mean to say is that language has an exceptional place in history. Language was and still is a vital tool for better communication. It not only conveys thoughts, ideas, but forges friendship, cultural ties, etc. Throughout history many have reflected on the importance of language in history. For example, the scholar Benjamin Whorf has noted that language shapes thoughts and emotions, determining oneââ¬â¢s perception of reality. Without proper use of language we cannot convey our thoughts effectively. Language is very relevant to understand history. History is subjective based on who is telling it and language is the ââ¬Ëtellerââ¬â¢. For example, the history of slavery; from the slave masterââ¬â¢s point of view slavery for him will be according to the language he uses to describe it. He would use a language which will describe chattel, property, free labor, political advantage. But for a slave, it would be the other way round. The language he would use would be of degradation, sorrow, pain humiliation, torture. Two different perspectives of the same event. Look at the Holocaust, the language used by a Jew to describe the events during the world war 2 will be different from a language a German soldier of the third Reich would use. As time progressed some of the important languages in which also many of the ancient artifacts were written have diminished. People donââ¬â¢t understand the importance of such languages. For example, Sanskrit, it was or I would like to put it as it still is the most prominent language of all times. Many of the modern languages were evolved from this language alone. Such artifacts are also tampered and their language could be misused. Historians have to take care of the language they use while making their claims. Reason or the faculty of reason is a mental ability found in human beings. We normally give reasons to things we claim. Reason is the means by which rational beings meaning human beings give explanation concerning cause and effect, true or false. It also explains or justifies some event or phenomenon. Through arguments and proper means of reasoning we can justify our thoughts. Reason can change our beliefs, traditions and attitude. Same like in language we also have to reason correctly to support our claims. Reasoning is very important for historians. If proper reasoning is not provided by them no one would believe their works. When people have different perspectives the essence of the true reasons gets lost in the altering of the tale being told which is clouded by different perceptions. History has being significant in being biased throughout, from beginning of mankind. One cannot say that there was no reason for the events that had catastrophic effects that dehumanized our civilization. History gets lost in translation as we may not know what actually happened. There have always been different versions to the same story but the fact remains the same; History has always been altered. For example, books published in India say that Akbar was a great king, whereas books published in Pakistan say that he wasnââ¬â¢t a great king. Holy books of India have also been tampered while being translated. Although history has been proven wrong many times it wouldnââ¬â¢t be possible to evolve into this era of technology without the prior knowledge of human civilization.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Types Of Treatment For Cancer - 1685 Words
Cancer is a name given to a lot of diseases that combine together, that might cause death, tumors, and long days of treatment. Some of the cells then separate and spread into the tissues without stopping. Cancer can start anywhere in the body, the human body has trillions of cells, and when cells grow they get replaced with new ones. But when cancer starts the process of replacing old cells with new ones stops. When the cells get damaged or grow old new cells grow, but sometimes the cells arenââ¬â¢t needed. These extra cells spread and might sometimes cause tumors. There are many different types of treatment for cancer, but the main one is surgery. Cancer can occur to both sexes, it attacks any part of the body. Most cancers are fatal, butâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Different tumors occur in different places. An example of a tumor is a malignant tumor. A malignant tumor is a neoplasm that grows and spreads through the body that is cancerous. Another example, a benign is also a neoplasm that does not spread or infiltrate other tissues of the body that is non- cancerous. Cancer hits people of all ages but specially middle ages but mostly middle age and elders. Cancer occurs to both males and females, the most affected parts are the skin, digestive glands, the lungs, and female breast. Most cancers are deadly, but some can be fought. About one-third of people today survive the treatment and live longer than before the treatment. There are more than 100 types of cancer but lung cancer is the most fatal. For example, 20% of the women with lung cancer, have never smoked and they survived cancer itself. There are no symptoms in cancer, it just has stages before it begins to spread. Example, lung cancer is the most common cancer type in the U.S it mostly starts after chemicals in cigarettes or polluted air cell. These certain objects affect the lining of the bronchial tubes. These tubes are located in the lungs. Normally they have tiny hair growing on the cells called cilia. The cilia moves back and forth without stopping sweeping out mucus, toxins, bac teria, viruses and thick liquid on the tubes. When the smoke comes into the system it kills the hair that was normally there. But, the smoke doesnââ¬â¢t move it stays in one place causing
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